Arles Walkabout.... Nice

Arles is such a beautiful city, easy to traverse with treasures at every turn. I have totally loved the week exploring 'quaint', experiencing the festival and attending Bulletproof. I could come home now! Nice not!

Street Art

Street Art

These photos are all a bit random.... But nice...

Gypsy Dawgs

Gypsy Dawgs

Who let the dogs out... Woof!

Arles Amphithéâtre, street fresco and Rue de L'Agneau

Arles Amphithéâtre, street fresco and Rue de L'Agneau

Spice of life...... Nice hey!

Spice of life...... Nice hey!

The photography festival is pumping everywhere and I found this site very interesting.

The reviewing!

With bookings back to back @ about 500 euro a 20 minute session, budding photographers from all over the world gather day after day to get their work reviewed by gallerists, art critics and revered professionals. Truly amazing! Artists get genuine feedback on presentation, theme, how it would be received, what to work on, discard..... Some take the advice, and work with it, returning the following year for more feedback, some leave in tears,  some get picked up by a gallery and all make professional connections! Definitely a vibe about it! 


...and then there are the photo books and book signings by the artists at various locations.

Photo books... Hundreds.... But none as good as Bulletproof!!

Photo books... Hundreds.... But none as good as Bulletproof!!

And more discussions...

The image of women in photography

The image of women in photography

3D logo les Rencontres Arles Photography

3D logo les Rencontres Arles Photography

And that's that! Good night to Arles and MWAH!

image.jpg to Nice..... 

Nglaaaaaaaah did you read that as nice or Nice? X